dilluns, 1 de desembre del 2008


We watched a film in class: "THE NANNY DIARIES".

The main character is a girl who has finished her university studies.

She is looking for work, and a woman offers her a job, this consist to take care of her son. And she accepts.

She meet a boy and they fall in love.

Fashion victims

Well, about this topic, I think that I'm a little fashion victim.
I really like going shopping, and looking beautiful.
When I go shopping, I try to buy clothes that are fashionable and that suits me.
I feel better thinking that I look beautiful and that the other people think that I wear beautiful clothes !:)
There is a lot of people that are like me. I think that in our ages, if you don't take care of how you dress, you are "strange", like a lot of people in this school!
And finally, I think that if there is a person who doesn't like my clothes or my appearance, I will say to him/her/them: "Don't look at me!"