dimarts, 17 de març del 2009

dimarts, 10 de març del 2009


65 immigrants, including 43 minors land in Canaries
A total of 65 immigrants arrived today on the island of El Hierro in the Canaries and it is thought that up to 43 of them could be minors.
the boat was intercepted by a boat from the Maritime Rescue Services, whose crew found theoccupants to be in a good state health.
The immigrants have been taken to a temporary shelter in the island's capital, Valverde, and sources suggest that although it will be necessary to wait for the results of tests, 43 of the immigrants appear to be minors, which would be the largest number to have arrived on any one single.

Four killed in horror smash
A Pukekohe road where at least four people died in a two-car crash last night has now re-opened. The cars collided on Buckland Rd, between Tuakau and Pukekohe about 9:15pm, and one caught fire, said Paul Redden, acting shift manager for northern fire service communications.

Plastered with cocaine
A PASSENGER whose leg was in a cast was arrested at Barcelona airport when it was discovered that the plaster was made of cocaine.
The 66-year-old Chilean's leg was plastered with five kilos of the drug.
Officers, suspecting he had illegal substances about his person, immediately transferred him to customs.
He was also found to be carrying cocaine in six cans of beer and two aluminium tubes.
Police took the plaster cast off and examined it, before transferring the patient to a health centre for tests.
The passenger was then arrested.

dilluns, 9 de març del 2009


The parents of Jess, a girl of eighteen, want their daughter to be like it is supposed to be a true Indian woman, but they lives in London.

But she just want to play as their only hero, David Beckham.She is the whole day playing to the football with his friends in the park. Until one day he met Jules, who invites Jess to join the local women's team.
The two girls are the same dreams.
But Jess's parents are unable to understand why her daughter does not want to lay your head, studying law and learning to cook.
The dreams of Jules, meanwhile, are to become professional player in the U.S., where the league is much more feminine importance.



In the World there are a lot of people who, have jobs like actors, politicions, writers, and become famous,other people are famous but notbody knows why, mybe they got married or had an affair with someone famous…
All that is thanks to the jeans of comunication, they appear on tv or on the Internet, there are a lot of “normal” peoople who are adicted to the rumors of the famous. There are positive and negative sides to this.
On the one hand, the famous usually get a lot of money when they are on tv or, they advertise diferent products. Another positive aspect is that they meet a lot of people, and that this people have a relationship with other people, and they don’t met the “normal” people.
On the other hand, the famous don’t have intimacy, because the jeans of comunication explain the personal life on tv, and all the peolpe judge them without knowing them.
My opinion is that for some rehaznos being famous is something good If you can keep paparazi Hawai from your private life. So that way I wouldn’t mind being famous.



Today, In school there isn’t any control, this factor is very important for the education. Now student’s doesn’t respect the norms, and they doesn’t have a good stnct wanners with a teacher’s.
On tthe one hand, students are any unpolite because their parents don’t teach them wennes. It’s normal that ollur this in schools and the teachers don’t know how to control this situation.
On the other hand, this situation is very bad for the students do their homeworks, they don’t do anything, and they don’t learn anything, because when students finís school they have a bad level, in my opinion.

For that reason I think that bad students have be axcluded and they must g oto other special center, here familias are responsabily or their son.

dissabte, 7 de març del 2009

transcription of IRELAND


We have chosen Ireland because it is the contry with a lot of tradition, and it is very similar to Catalunya; for its nacional spirit.

Ireland is in the small island of the British Isles.
It is a part of the European Union.
Its capital is Dublin.
Ireland is situated in the Atlantic Ocean, in the north of france and west of the big island. it is traditionally divided in four regions or provinces: Leinster, Ulster, Connacht, and Muster. The island of Ireland extends over 84,421
Square kilometres

Ireland has a wet climate, The local
temperate climate is modified by the North Atlantic Current and is relatively mild. Summer temperatures exceed 30 °C but the winter the temperature exceed -6º.
Precipitation is very common, with some parts of the country getting up to 275 days with rain annually.
there are a lot of cliffs all arround the coast.
This island is sometimes called Emerald island, because of the intense green colour of the Irish landscape.

There are two official languatges, Irish and English.
Irish is a Celtic lenguage which is spoken by few old people.
Everybody speaks English. From the first of January 1801 until the 6th of Desembre 1922. Ireland was part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
It was a population of 4062235 inhabitants.

Traditional Irish music is very well known arround the world. Its origin goes bach hundreds of years.
Nowadays there are some famous pop and rock artist like U2, The Cors, or The Cranberries

formal letter

........................................................................................... Judit Pagès Gorgori
........................................................................................... c/pirineu nº 26
........................................................................................... St. Pere Pesc0ador
Lluïsa Pintó
Castelló d’Empùries

Mrs Lluïsa Pintó

I am writting to tell you my opinion about ouer school.In my experience I have had a cange, because before I went in a different school and afther 10 years, i needed a change.This school we are a few students in this class, it’s better for our concentration and we learn more. Ther is a good relationship with the rest of students.
Another positive aspect the timetable, because we have free afternooms go we can study and revise on notes...
On the other hand when we have 3 lessons with out a rest, we are very tired, and we find it difficult to consentrate.
But there is also a negative aspect, some teachers are desorganitzed so the students are a bit lost. I think that this problem should be solved.

Finally the most positive aspect is that in the classroms we have a computer with internet and a big screen to complement the lessons.I hope you are interested my opinion and have it in mind.

Thank you for reading my letter
yours sincerely,

Judit Pagès Gorgori


At the beginning of the film, the creature isn’t moving on a sledge as in the book, it’s going by feet.
Victor’s mother dies by different ways: in the book it’s because of an illness and in the film giving birth to there brother William.
In the film, Victor has got only one little brother, William; and in the book an other one, called Ernest.In the two stories Victor is going to study at the university. We know the city in the film, it’s Ingolstadt, but not in the book.
Something else is Victor’s relationship with her friend Henry Clerval: in the book they’ve been friends since they were young, and in the film they don’t meet until being at the university.

In the book, Victor’s laboratory is far from the university to keep the secret, but in the film, the laboratory is next to Victor’s bedroom.Moreover, in the text Victor doesn’t receive any visit from Elizabeth, but in the film yes. She comes because she’s very worried about him.Then, in the film, the family where the creature goes to live next to consists as well of the grandchildren from the grandfather, and not so in the book. Aside from that, in the book the creature helps the family cutting firewood in the night, and in the film it collects the vegetables from their frozen field.Later, the chain that wears William when he’s murdered by the monster, has got different pictures inside. In the book it’s of Victor’s mother, but in the film it’s from Victor himself.After Justine was accused for William’s murder, in the book she first passes a trial and dies in prison, although in the film she is hung.Afterwards, in the film the creature invites Frankenstein to visit it in the mountains. There it asks Victor to create a wife for it. In the book, Victor destroys the female creature, which had the body from Justine.In the film, the monster kills Elisabeth pulling out her heart, not so in the book, where it strangles her.The film continues that the monster wanted Elizabeth’s body to be used for its wife. Finally Frankenstein gives her life again, but nevertheless the “new” Elisabeth burns herself after discovering what Victor had done with her.The end of the story is different too. In the book, we don’t know if the monster dies or not, because it disappears in the middle of the ice. On the contrary, in the film it dies voluntarily next to Victor Frankenstein, who it considers its father. I think this end is emotionally better, because it demonstrates that the creature had human feelings as well.